Resolutions & Ordinances
A resolution is a written motion adopted by Council. The substance of the resolution can be anything that can normally be proposed as a motion, and may be amended. An ordinance is a law, statute, or decree enacted by Council. Ordinances govern matters not already covered by state or federal laws such as zoning, safety, and building regulations.
Here are the resolutions and ordinances for the current year:
Resolution Authority 2024-01
February 8, 2024
February 8, 2024-Resolution amending the Mt. Holly Springs Authority Rate Schedule for Sewer Service Rates, Rules, and Regulations
Resolution 2024-02
February 12, 2024
February 12, 2024-Resolution amending the Mt. Holly Springs Borough’s fees for the collection of Garbage and Recyclables
Resolution 2024-01
January 1, 2024
January 2, 2024-Resolution for fees and permits, effective January 1, 2024, all others established and not amended by this resolution shall remain in effect.
Ordinance 2023-03
August 14, 2023
August 14,2023—This ordinance provides the Borough the authority to require all persons, partnerships, businesses, and corporations to obtain a permit for any construction or development.
May 25, 2023- Resolution adopting fee schedule for administration of Sewage Facilities Act and the appointment of sewage officers to issue sewage permits in Mt Holly Springs Borough.
January 9, 2023-Resolution amending 2022-01, fees for permits, effective January 9, 2023, all other fees not listed or amended shall remain in effect.
December 12, 2022-Appendix Resolution for application to apply for Covid-19 PA Small Water and Sewer Grant in the amount of 500,000 for the 2023 Water Main Rehabilitation Project.
December 12, 2022- Appendix-Resolution for application to apply for Covid 19-ARPA H2O grant in the amount of 5,500,000 for Shetter Project
April 11, 2022- Resolution for Established Community Emergency Management Service (35 PA c.s.a.-section 7101-7707)-to establish by each political subdivision an emergency management comprehensive plan.
March 3, 2022- Appendix Resolution- Application for Local Share Assessment Grant requesting 200,000 for New Street Sweeper
January 3, 2022-Amended Resolution of 2019-07 fees for permits listed, effective January 1, 2022, all others not specified or amended will remain in effect.
November 22,2021-Resolution authorizing investment of Mt Holly Springs Borough Sewer and Water Authority funds pursuant to PA Title 8.
April 12, 2021-Resolution reducing employee contributions to police pension plan for 2021.
March 25, 2021- Resolution by Mt Holly Springs Borough Council urging due diligence by Cumberland County Board of Commissioners in pending sale of the Claremont Nursing & Rehabilitation Center.
March 8, 2021- Resolution requesting Greenways, Trails, & Recreation Program grant of 180,000 from Commonwealth Financial Authority to enhance baseball field.
February 8, 2021- Resolution for procurement of professional service contracts for Mt Holly Springs Borough’s non-uniform and police pension plans.
February 8, 2021-Resolution of Cumberland County 2020 Hazard Mitigation Plan
January 15, 2021- Amended Resolution of 2019-07-fees for permits listed, effective date January 1, 2021, all other fees not listed or amended shall remain in effect.
July 30,2020-Resolution regarding subdivision and land development plan review and processing fees.
April 13, 2020-Declaration of Disaster Emergency-On March 17, 2020 Coronavirus or Covid-19, Immediate declaration of Coronavirus and is to remain in effect until further notice in conjunction with Cumberland County Commissioners and Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
December 9, 2019- Amended Resolution of 2018-01 fees for permits, effective January 1, 2020, all other fees not listed or amended in resolution shall remain in effect.
August 12, 2019- Resolution adopting the subdivision & land development booklet, zoning permit application, land development improvements, and mobile home park registration form pursuant to Mt Holly Springs Borough subdivision and land development ordinance.
July 25, 2019-Resolution to request Greenways, Trails,& Recreation Program grant of 201,186.60 from Commonwealth Financing Authority for Borough Park enhancements.
July 25, 2019-Resolution requesting 574,413.00 for engineering, right-of-way, and construction of East Pine Street culvert and sidewalk improvements project.
July 8, 2019-Resolution to request 464,080.00 multimodal transportation fund grant from Commonwealth Financing Authority to complete East Pine Street culvert and sidewalk improvement project.
May 30, 2019-Resolution for Mt Holly Springs Borough Council to fill vacancy in the Borough’s Mayor position.
February 28, 2019- Resolution authorizes Mt Holly Springs Borough to use 236,690.00 of Greenways, Trails, & Recreation Program grant for Trine Park Playground Improvements, and authorization for designees to execute all required paperwork.
February 28, 2019-Resolution Mt Holly Springs Borough authorizes the application for grant funding from Greenways, Trails, & Recreation programs grant and designates the authorized signers for all required paperwork.
December 10, 2018–Amendment to Resolution 2015-01, Fees for permits, effective January 1, 2019
April 13,2018–This resolution provides the Borough the authority in establishing procedures for meaningful public input at meetings of Council and Committees of Council
April 09,2018–This resolution provides the Borough the authority to reimburse the General Fund for any monies spent on the Hill Street Drainage Improvement project with grant monies awarded by PENNVEST for this project.
April 09, 2018–This resolution authorizes the Borough Manager to sign all PENNVEST Grant papers for the Hill Street Drainage Improvement project and for the Manager and Treasurer to be designated requestors for all funds.
February 12, 2018–This resolution awards the bid contract for the Hill Street Drainage Improvement project to Shiloh Paving Incorporated. This project will be funded by the awarded PENNVEST grant.
February 12, 2018–This resolution supports the formation of an independent citizens’ commission for congressional and legislative redistricting efforts.
February 12, 2018–This resolution authorizes the negotiation and acquisition of rights-of-way for the Hill Street Drainage Improvement project.
February 12, 2018–This resolution updates information for the management of tax collection in the Borough.
January 08, 2018–This bi-annual resolution sets fees for the Borough.