Zoning and Codes Office
The Zoning and Codes Office is responsible for administering the Zoning, Subdivision and Land Development, and Solid Waste and Recycling Ordinances, as well as the Building, Electrical, Plumbing, and Property Maintenance Codes. Ordinances are enforced by professional standards in accordance with the Mt. Holly Zoning Ordinances, the Subdivision and Land Development Ordinance (SALDO), the Pennsylvania Borough Code, and other appropriate statutes of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
Under the Department of Labor and Industry, the Borough opts to contract a third party agency to enforce UCC codes. To see the full list, click here. UCC LIST.
The activities of the Zoning and Codes Office contribute directly to protecting and promoting the safety and health of the citizens and providing for the general welfare by ensuring coordinated and reasonable development within the Borough.
Contact the Codes Enforcement Officer -Jason Bonawitz with questions or concerns.
To view our ordinances please click here.
Things To Know About Codes & Ordinances
Trim Those Greens
As a property owner, it is your responsibility to keep your lawns maintained and trees trimmed. Trees and bushes
must not interfere with vehicular or pedestrian traffic or signage.
14 X 7
Trees or bushes that extend into the roadway must be cut to 14 feet of clearance. clearance above sidewalks must be 7 feet, and trees must not block street signs.
You must also maintain any weeds, grass, and other vegetation on your property so it doesn’t exceed 6 inches in height.
For practical and environmental reasons, discharge all water into a grassy area, not into the public streets.
The owner, occupant, or tenant of every property with frontage on or alongside any of the streets in the Borough must remove all snow or ice within 24 hours after it has stopped snowing or sleeting. Do not move the snow to a public roadway.
It is illegal to blow leaves (or throw snow) onto our public sidewalks or roads. The Borough will do its best to remove snow and collect leaves from the roadways, but we ask that you do not add to the amount to be collected.
Protect Our Streets
Contact The Codes Officer
You may also contact the Zoning and Codes officer Jason Bonawitz’ cell phone at (717) 962-5220
If you have a question or concern regarding permitting or Borough ordinances please call the office at 717-486-7615
(extension 1030)