Rental Inspections

Mt. Holly Springs Rental Inspection Ordinance, was enacted in 2017. Inspections will be completed by zone once every three years, and re-inspection as needed. Inspections will be scheduled between normal business hours. Special inspections can be requested at the discretion of the property owner or tenant. 

  • Occupancy reports must be submitted within 15 days of any tenant change, including vacancy. 

  • The cost of a scheduled inspection is $75.00 per unit and $75.00 re-inspection if required.

  • All inspection regulations fall under the International Property Maintenance Code 2015 edition. 

For questions or to report an issue please call 717-486-7615 to schedule appointment

Send form via email to [email protected]  or mail/drop off form at the Borough Office –200 Harman Street, Mt Holly Springs, PA 17065